8 Things That Can Help With Happiness?

My brain is churning this morning, can't put my finger on why but something in my morning reading really struck a chord deep inside me. I have been reading similiar things for the past year but for some reason, reading it this morning got the neurons firing. I am currently reading the book How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big by Scott Adams. This mornings chapter was titled, Happiness. In the chapter he lists 8 things that he (and others I have read and listened to) say can help with your happiness in life. I can get behind them and would even promote them to those who might listen. Those 8 things include: Eat right Exercise Get enough sleep Imagine an incredible future (even if you don't believe it) Work toward a flexible schedule Do things you can steadily improve at Help others (if you've already helped yourself) Reduce daily decisions to routine. I am curious to what others think about...