More Than A Morning Run

The morning began around 5 a.m. as it normally does for me. It was Tuesday and that means morning basketball. I was not real excitied about the idea of playing on this particular day and was a bit tired. Once the "point of no return" had passed, that time when I normally leave in order to make it on time, I felt a bit of guilt set in. I knew I had to get up and get moving so I decided to go for a run.

The First Moments 
When I stepped outside, the air smelled like the Oregon Coast. It had rained the night before and the smell in the air took me back to a place we had just recently visited. Happy memories flooded back to my mind. I looked to my right and could that the sun was about to come up over the hill and the sky was a mixture of pinks and blues.  
I began walking to get the blood flowing and warm-up the body a bit. As I did, I noticed birds singing all around me. At that point I decided not to turn the music on and instead just listen to my surroundings. Throughout my run I could
hear roosters, more birds, the sound of school buses on their way to pick up students for school. It was as if the world was waking up around me and I had the priviledge of being there as it slolwy woke up. Being present in the early stages of what becomes a very busy world.

During The Run
As I picked up the pace and hit my stride, I kept my head and eyes up. I realized that when I run, I seem to stare at the ground a lot! On this particular run I kept telling myself, keep your eyes up, see the world around you. I began to notice spring flowers, various birds perched in all kids of places and seeing the world come to life. 
The smell of freshly cut wet grass and a smell I not quite sure of also blessed me on this journey. The unidentifiable smell was one I was glad did not last long and will not do a follow-up post on. 
Reflecting On The Run
Running for me does not come natural. I sometimes spend time in my head thinking of how much I am not enjoying the time I am out there. However, this particular run and others from this past week have provided me with a new outlook. It is a beautiful world we live in. When I allowed myself to use my senses to experience the world around me, it brought a sense of calm and peace. When I returned home and was engaging in my cool down, I had a very positive outlook on the upcoming day. I was ready for the next phase and was in a good place.
I encourage us all to continue to embrace the world around us and appreciate all it has to offer and continue to seek out new learning, opportunities and experiences! 


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