One Opportunity to Start Your Day

This past week things ramped up at work. Staff was back in buildings and the energy of a new school year was everywhere. As back to school meetings were held, I was excited listening to buildings talk about growth mindset, resiliency and grit. One building I was in as they kicked off the year showed a video to help support a line of thinking:

After the video, those in attendance where encouraged to share their thoughts. Normally I sit in the back and quietly listen. This day was different, something compelled me to share my experiences around how I try to start my days and things that I have learned through the process. I have picked up these techniques or habits from reading the likes of Brendon Burchard, Robin Sharma and others. If you search: early morning routines or how to start your day, you will find similar things to what I am about to share.

When things are clicking, I...

1. Wake up early - for me this means about 4:45 (M-F, 6:00ish on the weekends). The house is quiet and gives me about an hour and half before I need to start getting ready for work. That's an extra 1.5 hours I have at my disposal during the day. Time that no one gets to touch or use besides me. I used to go from bed to the office in about 30-45 minutes and have learned that I am better when I don't rush out the door.

2. Read and Journal - part of the 1.5 hours in the morning I use to read and journal. Currently I am reading Grit and Facilitating Learning with the Adult Brain in Mind. I also try and journal each morning. Journaling usually entails what ever is on my mind or maybe setting goals for the day. I also try to write down 3 things I am grateful for.

3. Exercise - when I am able to get up and moving in the morning I feel a sense of accomplishment and my head is usually in a good place to start the day. Currently I use the Couch to 10K app 3 days a week and mix in some strength training with Shaun T's T25.

I would like to say that I am perfect when it comes to this morning routine. I would love to say that I never miss a day. The truth is that I am not. However, I am happy to report that I am doing it more often than not. I can say, without hesitation, that when I begin my day early, focus on positive thoughts, read topics to continue to learn and grow, and get up and get moving that I am filled with more energy and better equipped to take on the challenges of the day.

How do you start your days? What can you start doing to help energize your mornings and get you ready to take on the day?


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