Wisconsin - Part 1

Our days in Wisconsin are wrapping up and as always it feels like the time went faster than normal. As I sat down to write this I was wondering what I would fill it with. I began thinking back to the days and nights, events or places we went and I began to realize that I could recall what we had done but had not taken a lot of pictures. Then I realized that my phone was put away most of the time so I will be drawing from photos taken by others.

Our time in Wisconsin visiting family and friends is just that, time to visit and catch up. We usually slow down and need a day or two to recover from the travels up to this point. The invites start to roll in and various plans begin to form. And then inevitably we find ourselves where we are at now with discussions of the trip back to WA, doing laundry and repacking bags and mapping our schedule for the good-byes before we take off.

A few highlights up to this point of our time here:

The next generation hanging out - cousins and second cousins

Wearing a helmet while bike riding is always important and in WI it has to be Packers

The adults hanging out hoping the kids will not ask to go to the lake

The kids asked to go to the lake - it was a little chilly but fun

Kellen and Emily bonding - yes, Kellen is in the wagon

My brother and I at my Grandparents house next to a tree they planted in remembrance of Dad and Uncle Steve

Grandma and Grandpa Anderson (kids Great-Grandparents)

Emily taking me on a four wheeler ride

Stay tuned for more pictures from our time in Wisconsin!


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